Wednesday, July 7, 2010

trip to namibia

i have started this blog, hoping to keep all my friends informed on my whereabouts during the month whilst i will be in namibia. i hope to be able to upload some interesting photos of the lovely wildlife i hope to come across during my travels. but since this is the first time that i am blogging i do not now how successful this will be so bear with me pls.


  1. so far so good it seems that i have successfully posted and registered my blog.

  2. How exciting lana!!! joe will be so jealous of your journey. Will follow your blog while you are away. Kay

  3. kay you managed to send your comment and i managed to locate it finally and moderate it, and here it is. i do think we are doing so well with this lol, its going to be so exciting.

  4. we will bear with you dear lana or should i say lion with you lolll.....this is going to be very interesting, exciting and wild !!!!
    henri X

  5. This is awesome Lana! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures in Namibia. You're so lucky and I'm so jealous!!! I will be your most faithful follower :-)

  6. Prosit Lan qed tara lol kemm qed issir techno savvy!!

  7. qed nghidlek jean xejn ma jonqosni qisni computer whizz qed inhossni lol l-isbah se tkun jekk l-anqas dawl ma jkun hemm fuq ir-reserva ahseb u ara kemm ikollna internet access!!
